Why can’t I add photos in Outlook!?
Can’t find the Insert > Picture option? It’s because you haven’t “popped out” yet, (obviously)…
Can’t find the Insert > Picture option? It’s because you haven’t “popped out” yet, (obviously)…
Wake up! Birds aren’t real, they’re government drones! I created a song about it using AI.
US Capitol insurrectionist accidentally tasered himself in the balls while trying to steal a painting off the wall, triggering a heart attack!
Pro-gun guy tweets ’30-50 feral hogs’ as justification, hilarity ensues…
A lot of people think that “God hates homosexuals” because of what it says in the Bible … I have some questions about that.
It’s been 10 years now since a bewildered amateur photographer asked, “WTF did I just take a picture of?”. What ensued was the hilarious 30 page thread entitled, “It’s a Streetlight”.
If you thought you were a Scorpio or Sagittarius, chances are you might be wrong. But NASA is not to blame, because Astrology isn’t real!
Microsoft programmed “Tay”, an Artificial Intelligence modeled to speak like a teen girl, and set it loose on Twitter. What followed was a PR nightmare!
We all know Polish priests LOVE blessing things, it’s their main purpose in life, their “raison d’être” if you will. Here are some pictures, collected from around the web, of Polish priests blessing things.
This mustachioed joker calls himself Kirby Jenner, and has gained social media notoriety by photoshopping himself into Kendall Jenner’s Instagram photos!
Internet Muppets: A story about a 2.5 mile wide comet on a collision course with Earth has gone viral, despite the fact that it came to some crackpot in a dream!
British professor of particle physics and renown TV science presenter Brian Cox (OBE) puts conspiracy theorists in their place!